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The Benefits of Using an NFRC Competent Roofer

The Benefits of Using an NFRC Competent Roofer

Moran Roofing Specialists Farnham are proudly part of the NFRC Competent Person Scheme (CPS), the only one of its kind in the roofing industry! But what does it mean to homeowners when they choose an NFRC CPS contractor and what are the benefits? Well, when it comes to refurbishing your roof, you want to be sure that the contractor carrying out the work will not only do a good job but also that your legal obligations are met.

The NFRC Competent Person Scheme allows roofing contractors to SELF-CERTIFY that their work meets the requirements of Approved Document L1B of the Building Regulations without having to go through the bureaucratic and costly process of getting Building Control sign-off, as well as the cost of a Building Control Compliance Certificate (BRCC). Homeowners also benefit from a ten-year Insurance Backed Guarantee (IBG) which all NFRC CPS contractors must have in place for domestic projects.

What requirements do NFRC CPS contractors have to achieve?

Before a contractor becomes a registered NFRC CPS contractor, they must fulfil the following requirements:

  • Pass a probity check to ensure the company is financially viable.
  • Provide evidence to ensure that all relevant documentation is in place to issue you with a ten-year workmanship guarantee, a sales contract with a 14-day cooling-off period, and have the required insurance cover in place.
  • Successfully complete and pass an office audit to provide evidence of a robust and established business.
  • Successfully complete and pass a rigorous site inspection, ensuring they comply with the relevant British Standards, Health & Safety requirements, and Building Regulations.

All NFRC CPS registered contractors are audited annually and undertake regular site inspections throughout the year based on the number of projects they undertake. This ensures that they remain compliant with all standards and regulations.

Homeowners can be safe in the knowledge that they will be covering all their obligations whilst getting the highest standard of roofing backed by a 10 year guarantee.


Self-certification, when 50 per cent or more of the roof is being refurbished, for the following roofing categories:
  • Slating and Tiling and all other pitched works (including Shingles and Shakes)
  • Felt, Single Ply and GRP
  • Fully supported lead, copper, zinc and standing-seam aluminium
  • Liquid Applied Waterproofing
  • Mastic Asphalt (including Hot Melt)
  • Reinforced Bitumen Membranes (RBM)
  • Sheeting
  • Provision of roof lights—provided they are only inserted between rafters or on a like-for-like basis.
  • Where less than 50 per cent of the roof is being replaced, as this falls out of the scope of Approved Document L1B
  • Any solar or photovoltaic (PV) installation
  • The following areas which fall under the remit of Building Control:
  • Work on trussed rafters
  • Any structural glazed roof such as atriums
  • New build work
  • Structural work, unless like-for-like, e.g. rafter

FAQs for Reputable Work
I am refurbishing more than 50% of my roof; do I need to inform Building Control?

Yes. If you are refurbishing or replacing 50 per cent or more of your roof which includes an insulation upgrade, or the roof is already insulated to the Building Regulations requirements in force at the time of your installation, then you must notify Building Control.

This can be done either by using an NFRC CPS Registered Contractor, who can self-certify the work, or by going directly to a Building Control body such as LABC. Once the work has been signed-off, you will receive a Building Regulations Compliance Certificate (BRCC), which is legally required.

Are garage roofs reportable?

No. Unless the garage has fixed heating (not portable heaters), there is no legal requirement to notify the work.

Which flat roofing projects are reportable?
All domestic, commercial and industrial flat roofing projects are reportable if 50 percent or more of the roof is being refurbished or renewed and the insulation upgraded to Building Regulations in effect at the time of installation.

Will a change in the weight of the roof coverings require a structural survey?
For most roofing types an increase or decrease in load of 15 per cent is considered acceptable before a structural survey is deemed necessary.  An increase or decrease of more than 15 per cent will require a structural survey.

Will I get a Warranty?
All domestic roof refurbishments will be automatically issued with a ten-year Insurance Backed Insolvency Guarantee, which reinforces the contractor’s workmanship guarantee.

Can an NFRC CPS Registered Contractor replace my roof light?
Yes. An NFRC CPS Registered Contractor can replace a roof light but, if any structural alterations are required such as cutting into an /or re-forming the accommodating gap in the rafters as opposed to a like-for-like replacement, then this work has to be reported to Building Control.

By choosing Moran Roofing, NFRC CPS registered roofing contractor, you can be rest assured that we take care of all the required and official paperwork, ensuring all materials used are up to date with BS5534 and latest building regulations, together with the highest standard in workmanship to ensure a warm but ventilated roof with the lowest possible chance of condensation occurring.

Contact us today for all your roofing requirements. We offer a wide range of roofing services, managed from our Farnham head office. Operating throughout Surrey and Hampshire in Farnham, Alton, Bordon, Guildford, Haslemere and Godalming.

Roofer image in Aldershot Hampshire